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The second lecture in this series was given by Professor Wei Jiang (Columbia Business School and ECGI). Professor Jiang is the Arthur F. Burns Professor of Free and Competitive at Columbia University and an ECGI Research Member. She is a Senior Fellow at the Program on Corporate Governance at Harvard Law School, a Research Associate of the NBER—Law and Economics, a member of the Committee on Capital Market Regulation, and a member of the Academic Advisory Council of the Managed Funds Association. She is currently the Vice President of the Society of Financial Studies (SFS).

Professor Jiang's online lecture "Corporate Governance: Data and Technology" was held on Thursday, 2 December 2021. Corporate governance is a set of processes, customs, policies, laws, and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered, or controlled. Technology is quickly reshaping every aspect of it, and also provides new opportunities to researchers in the field. The lecture covered a selected few most direct implications of technology (e.g., blockchain, alternative data, and AI), including mutability of record-keeping and enforcement, redistribution of information rents between insiders and outsiders, and limits of machine-driven insights for decision making.

The public lecture series is organised by The Kelley School of Business Institute for Corporate Governance (ICG), in partnership with the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University and ECGI.

The Indiana University - ECGI Online Series is a public lecture series on corporate governance, where distinguished speakers share insights on the evolving landscape of governance, finance, and market regulation. The Kelley School of Business Institute for Corporate Governance (ICG+E), in partnership with Ethical Systems, collaborates with ECGI to deliver this ongoing initiative. 

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