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The thirteenth lecture in this series was presented by Professor Laura Starks (McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin and ECGI) on 2 March 2023.

Climate risk has increasingly become a concern of investors. This lecture covered the financial economics research on investor perceptions of climate risk and their reactions to changes in climate risk. 

Laura T. Starks, Ph.D., is the George Kozmetsky Centennial University Distinguished Chair at the McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin, where she teaches graduate and undergraduate courses on environmental, social and governance investing. Her current research focuses on ESG issues, including climate finance and board diversity, as well as molecular genetics and financial decisions. She has won many awards for her research and teaching. She is a Research Associate of the NBER, a Research Member for the ECGI, and a Senior Fellow for ABFER. She has served as President of the Society of Financial Studies, Western Finance Association and Financial Management Association and is presently President-Elect of the American Finance Association. She is the Editor of the FMA Survey and Synthesis Series, Advisory Editor for the Financial Analysts Journal and Financial Management and previously, Editor of the Review of Financial Studies. She has served or currently serves on mutual funds’ boards of directors, pension fund advisory committees, the Board of Governors of the Investment Company Institute, and the Governing Council of the Independent Directors Council, and advisory committees for the Norwegian Government Pension Fund.

The public lecture series is organised by Institute for Corporate Governance (ICG), in partnership with the Ostrom Workshop at Indiana University and ECGI.

The Indiana University - ECGI Online Series is a public lecture series on corporate governance, where distinguished speakers share insights on the evolving landscape of governance, finance, and market regulation. The Kelley School of Business Institute for Corporate Governance (ICG+E), in partnership with Ethical Systems, collaborates with ECGI to deliver this ongoing initiative. 

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