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ECGI in collaboration with Assonime (The Association of Italian Public Companies), Bocconi University and the European Corporate Governance Research Foundation (ECGRF) organised a two-day event on Responsible Capitalism as part of the multi-year ECGI project.

Day two of the event titled: "Capitalism Revisited: Responsible Investment and 2022 ECGI Annual Meeting, Celebrating 20 Years" was held in Milan on 16 September 2022.

Session 2 was moderated by Caroline Flammer, (Columbia and ECGI)

Presentation on the research paper titled, "Net Zero Carbon Alignment" (Patrick Bolton, Marcin T. Kacperczyk, Frédéric Samama) was presented by Patrick Bolton (Columbia University and ECGI) and was discussed by Olivier David Zerbib (EDHEC Business School)

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