The ECGI news section is focused on news about ECGI, events, projects, publications and ECGI members. It is not intended as a news site to share media stories about corporate governance. Queries about news stories can be directed to

Latest News
Financial Conglomerate Affiliated Hedge Funds: Risk Taking Behavior and Liquidity Provision
A new wave of financial regulation following the global financial crisis aims to curtail proprietary trading by systemically important fi
Corporate donations and shareholder value
Do corporate donations enhance shareholder wealth or reflect agency problems?
Co-Investments of Sovereign Wealth Funds in Private Equity
Direct investments are the preferred vehicle for large institutional investors to have control over their portfolio investments.
Relative Performance, Banker Compensation, and Systemic Risk
This recent paper by Rui Albuquerque (Boston College), Luis Cabral (NYU) and Jose Correa Guedes (Catholic University of Portugal) sh
What is an insolvency proceeding?
Across the globe, procedures to restructure financially distressed businesses are increasing in importance. Prima facie, ma
ECGI Annual Members Meeting
The 2017 ECGI Annual Members’ Meeting will take place on 27-28 April at IMD, lausanne, Switzerland.
GCGC Conference Report
Highlights from the second Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC) conference are now available on the new GCGC website.
New ECGI Website launched
Welcome to the new ECGI website!
Malta EU Presidency Conference
“Innovation and Digitalisation in Company Law"