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ECGI Board Announcement
Directors’ Duties and Legal Safe Harbours: A Comparative Analysis
Few areas in corporate governance are of more interest -or relevance - to company directors and their legal advisors,
Agency versus Hold-up: Benefits and Costs of Shareholder Rights
Many policy-makers appear to subscribe to the view that granting shareholders more rights is better.
Wolf Pack Activism
Activist hedge funds can wield significant influence over target firms despite holding relatively small equity stakes by garnering the su
Governance Challenges of Listed StateOwned Enterprises around the World: National Experiences and a Framework for Reform
Despite predictions of their demise in the aftermath of the collapse of socialist economies in Eastern Europe, state-owned enterprises (S
Board Diversity and Firm Performance Volatility
The paper explores the determinants and effects of diversity in the boards of US listed companies.
From Corporate Law to Corporate Governance
This essay is a contribution to the forthcoming Oxford University Press Handbook of Corporate Law and Governance edited by Jeffery Gordon
Governance by Contract: The Implications for Corporate Bylaws
Boards and shareholders are increasingly using charter and bylaw provisions to customize their corporate governance.