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Prospectus Liability and the Role of Gatekeepers as Informational Intermediaries: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Statutory Provisions on Italian IPOs
This Article analyzes market reaction to the introduction into Italian legislation of a statutory system of (IPO) prospectus civil liabil
Standing Voting Instructions: Empowering the Excluded Retail Investor
Despite the increasing importance of shareholder voting, regulators have paid little attention to the rights of retail investors who own
Boards, and the Directors Who Sit on Them
Boards of directors are intellectually interesting; the literature on boards has academic impact, and there is substantial scope for this
Executive Compensation: A Survey of Theory and Evidence
This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on executive compensation.
What is the Shareholder Wealth Impact of Target CEO Retention in Private Equity Deals?
There is considerable concern about the conflict of interest between the CEO and the shareholders when a firm is a target for an acquisit
Bringing the AGM to the 21st Century: Blockchain and Smart Contracting Tech for Shareholder Involvement
The AGM is often considered to play an important role in direct shareholder monitoring of directors and corporate blockholders.
Governance and Stakeholders
Economic models routinely assume firms maximize shareholder value; but common law legal systems only require that officers and directors
Can Strong Corporate Governance Selectively Mitigate the Negative Influence of 'Special Interest' Shareholder Activists? Evidence from the Labor Market for Directors
Proxy reforms shifting more power to shareholders can mitigate managerial agency problems but also empowers “special interest” activists.
Shareholder Engagement on Environmental, Social, and Governance Performance
We study investor activism promoting environmental, social and governance (ESG) improvements by means of a proprietary dataset covering 6