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Board Quotas and Director-Firm Matching
We study the impact of board gender quotas on the labor market for corporate directors.
Why Do Family Business Groups Expand by Creating New Public Firms? The Role of Internal Capital Markets
In public equity markets around the world, corporations pursue distinctly different approaches to funding investment opportunities w
Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value
What is the appropriate objective function for a firm?
Market Soundings: The Interaction between Securities Regulation and Company Law in the United Kingdom and Italy
Before deciding on operations involving share issuance or sale, companies or shareholders may seek to disclose information to selected in
Anti-Activist Poison Pills
Hedge funds have become active in corporate governance. They push for changes in strategy and the adoption of specific business plans.
What Makes the Bonding Stick? A Natural Experiment Testing the Legal Bonding Hypothesis
Securities fraud class actions are a key feature of the US regime of corporate governance.
Connected Firms and Investor Myopia
Conglomerates, multinational corporations and business groups are non-exclusive forms of complex firms.
The Dialogue between the Chairman of the Board and Investors: The Practice in the UK, the Netherlands and Germany and the Future of the German Corporate Governance Code Under the New Chairman
The dialogue of the board and its chairman with investors is an established practice in many countries, such as the United Kingdom, the U