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Corporate Scandals and Regulation
Are regulatory interventions in financial markets delayed reactions to market failures, or can regulators pre-empt corporate misbehavior?
The Promise and Perils of Crowdfunding: Between Corporate Finance and Consumer Contracts
Crowdfunding by start-up firms has grown astonishingly rapidly in the past few years.
Good Activist/Bad Activist: The Rise of International Stewardship Codes
This paper focuses on recent trends in shareholder participation in corporate governance in a number of major developed countries.
Mapping Types of Shareholder Lawsuits Across Jurisdictions
When corporate law scholars explore shareholder litigation abroad, they often start by looking for types of shareholder litigation famili
Why Do Businesses Incorporate in Other EU Member States? An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Conflict of Laws Rules
Research in law, political science and economics has taken a strong interest in the way companies strategically incorporate in foreign ju
Investing in Managerial Honesty
Two laboratory experiments show that investors perceive a CEO to be more committed to honesty when the CEO resisted, at a personal cost,
Employment and Wage Insurance within Firms: Worldwide Evidence
If unemployment insurance is more generous, workers should demand less implicit insurance from their employers: firm- and government-prov
Private Equity and Human Capital Risk
The social costs associated with private equity restructuring have been the subject of emotional debates.
Takeovers and (Excess) CEO Compensation
We study if a CEO’s equity-based compensation affects the expected value generation in takeovers.