The ECGI news section is focused on news about ECGI, events, projects, publications and ECGI members. It is not intended as a news site to share media stories about corporate governance. Queries about news stories can be directed to

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The Bond Market Benefits of Corporate Social Capital
While the importance of Physical Capital, Human Capital, and Intellectual Capital in corporations is well understood, there is another ty
Fintech and the Financing of Entrepreneurs: From Crowdfunding to Marketplace Lending
The increasing demand for Fintech – broadly defined as the use of new technology and innovation to compete in the marketplace of financia
The Externalities of Corruption: Evidence from Entrepreneurial Activity in China
China is the largest emerging market, which has experienced spectacular growth over the last three decades, and is currently in the upper
Shareholder Conflicts and Dividends
Controlling shareholders may feel tempted to capture benefits for themselves at other shareholders’ expense.
Corporate Governance Matters to Fund Managers
New research findings presented at London Business School on 3 October drew a large audience of asset managers, investors, policy ad
Earning investor trust: The role of past earnings management
Does earnings management, even though legal, hamper investor trust in reported earnings?
Leviathan Inc. and Corporate Environmental Engagement
In a 2010 special report, The Economist called the resurgence of state-owned mega-enterprises, especially those in emerging economies, “L