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Roundtable on the long-term impact of institutional ownership on governance and sustainable investment
The NSE-ECGI Roundtable on ‘Long-term impact of institutional ownership on governance and sustainable investment’ took place on 13 Novemb
Directors’ and Officers’ Liability: Economic Analysis
Directors’ and officers’ liability marks a center point of the corporate governance debate everywhere.
The Agency Costs of Activism: Information Leakage, Thwarted Majorities, and the Public Morality
Few doubt that hedge fund activism has radically changed corporate governance in the United States -- for better or for worse.
Beauty and Appearance in Corporate Director Elections
The impact of appearance on the outcomes of political elections is attributed in the psychology literature to an instantaneous, unreflect
ECGI Appoints Five New Fellows
ECGI is proud to announce the appointment of five new Fellows to add to its distinguished ranks.
CEO Option Compensation Can Be a Bad Option: Evidence from Product Market Relationships
Option compensation is recognized as an important component of executive pay.
Monitoring the Monitor: Distracted Institutional Investors and Board Governance
The board of directors is a particularly powerful governance mechanism for monitoring firm performance in the U.S.
International Roundtable on Board Level Employee Representation
The ECGI Roundtable on Board Level Employee Representation took place on 25 October at Imperial College Business School in collaboration