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The impact of mandatory governance changes on financial risk management
We study the impact of corporate governance on foreign exchange risk management by using a large-scale natural experiment, the adoption o
The Effect of Minority Veto Rights on Controller Tunneling
Most publicly traded firms around the world have a controlling shareholder. In these firms, a key objective of corporate governance
The Life-Cycle of Dual Class Firms
IPOs of dual class shares have become popular in the recent decade, following the lead of some technological "superstars", e.g.
Unexpected Corporate Outcomes from Hedge Fund Activism in Japan
Hedge fund activism is essentially a search by funds for investment returns by putting pressure on target firms to change their 
Will Tenure Voting Give Corporate Managers Lifetime Tenure?
Dual-class voting systems have been widely employed in recent initial public offerings by large American tech companies, but have been ro
International Evidence on Firm Level Decisions in Response to the Crisis: Shareholders vs. Other Stakeholders
One of the interesting features of the 2008 financial crisis is the wide range of relationships between change
Be Careful What You Wish For: How Progress Engendered Regression in Related Party Transaction Regulation in Israel
Because of their pernicious tendency to serve as a vehicle for extracting value from firms corporate related party transactions
Optimal Short-Termism
Corporate short-termism has often been criticized because it could harm long-term performance.
Empirical Studies of Corporate Law and Governance: Some Steps Forward and Some Steps Not
Empirical research on topics of corporate governance has grown tremendously in the past 30 years. Much of this work has been done b