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Latest News
Industrial Foundations as Long-Term Owners
Concerns about short-termism have been mounting in recent years and have influenced the EU shareholder directive, the US presidential deb
When Does the Family Govern the Family Firm?
There is extensive evidence on how the family firm’s performance correlates with the controlling family’s participation in the firm’s gov
Blockchain Technology for Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism
Blockchain is currently still largely focused on speculation with virtual currencies like bitcoins.
Appointment of 71 new ECGI Research Members
The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) today announces the appointment of 71 new Research Members to add to its distinguished
RPTs in SOEs: Tunneling, Propping and Policy Channeling
One of central problems in corporate law and governance is the regulation of “related-party transactions” (RPTs) – generally, transaction
Does the Potential to Merge Reduce Competition?
The standard paradigm of anti-trust rules is that anti-competitive mergers increase industry concentration and hence increase market powe
New Study Calls For Loosening The Noose Of Excessive Corporate Debt
The findings of a two-year research programme were presented in Brussels today, calling for further reform of the financial and regulator
Finance and investment: Europe’s lost decade
The financial crisis of 2008 and the ensuing sovereign debt crises of 2010 to 2012 had devastating consequences for European economies, n
The Market for Non-Executive Directors: Does Acquisition Performance Influence Future Board Seats?
Starting with the 1992 Cadbury Report, successive UK codes of best practice in corporate governance have emphasised the key role that non