The ECGI news section is focused on news about ECGI, events, projects, publications and ECGI members. It is not intended as a news site to share media stories about corporate governance. Queries about news stories can be directed to

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Socially Responsible Corporate Customers
Today's changing global businesses and corporate environments have brought about a new wave of corporate social responsibility (CSR) acti
Shareholder Sustainability Activism in the Netherlands
Companies have a large impact on our society and play a large role in achieving sustainable goals.
The European Corporate Governance Institute Meets in Berlin
The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) held its Annual Members’ Meeting in Berlin this week (3 - 4 May), bringing together in
Research on 'Boards' and 'Activism' Awarded Prizes in Berlin
The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) held its Annual Working Paper Prize-giving ceremony in Berlin on Friday 4 May.
Institutional Investor Voting Behavior: A Network Theory Perspective
It is commonly viewed that institutional investors have insufficient incentives to cast informed votes because they compete on relative p
Career Risk and Market Discipline in Asset Management
The compensation of employees in asset management is typically much higher than that of non-finance employees with similar education, and
Luca Enriques Joins ECGI Board
The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) held its Annual Members’ Meeting in Berlin this week (3 - 4 May), bringing together in
How Investors Can (and Can't) Create Social Value
Most investors have a single goal: to earn the highest financial return. These socially-neutral investors maximize their risk-adjus
The Future of the Corporation: Law and A.I.
Artificial Intelligence in the law profession was the subject of a discussion hosted by the international law firm Hogan Lovells in Bruss