The ECGI news section is focused on news about ECGI, events, projects, publications and ECGI members. It is not intended as a news site to share media stories about corporate governance. Queries about news stories can be directed to

Latest News
Professors Allen, Helleringer and Jiang join the Board of Directors of the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
The European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) is delighted to announce the appointment of Professors Franklin Allen
ECGI announces a multi-year research project
Responding to the increasing publication of and demand for research on the concept of Responsible Capitalism, which
Call For Papers: GCGC 2023
Global Corporate Governance Colloquium
Call For Papers: GCGC 2024
Global Corporate Governance Colloquium
Applications for ECGI Research Membership
ECGI is now accepting research membership applications and nominations
ECGI announces prizes for papers on proxy voting and corporate governance systems
BRUSSELS – 19 July 2022.
ECGI launches new blog platform to provoke critical thinking
Brussels - 8 February 2022.
Corporate Governance versus Real Governance
Corporate Governance versus Real Governance