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Governance under the Gun: Spillover Effects of Hedge Fund Activism
Hedge fund activism has become pervasive in today’s corporate landscape.
Related Party Transactions in Commonwealth Asia: Complexity Revealed
Two decades ago, within the blink of an eye, the Asian Financial Crisis pushed many of Asia’s miracle economies to the brink of collapse.
Loyalty Shares Roundtable Held in Brussels
The ECGI Roundtable on Loyalty Shares took place on 18 June 2018 at the offices of Jones Day, Brussels, in collaboration with University
The Real Cost of CEO Compensation: The Effect of Behindness Aversion of Employees
Rising executive compensation has been subject of fierce public debates over the last decades.
Collateral Damage: Brexit's Negative Effects on Regulatory Competition and Legal Innovation in Private Law
This article attempts to assess the consequences of Brexit for English and European private law. More specifically, I am interested
The Death of Corporate Law
For decades, corporate law played a pivotal role in regulating corporations across the United States.
Procedural and Substantive Review of Related Party Transactions (RPTs): The Case for Non-Controlling Shareholder-Dependent (NCS-Dependent) Directors
Related Party Transactions (RPTs) are transactions between a company and the executives, directors or the controlling shareholder of that
An Institutional Theory of Corporate Regulation
The regulation of corporate behaviour has persisted in spite of peaks of neo-liberalism in many global jurisdictions, including the UK.
Evidence-Based Policymaking: Promise, Challenges and Opportunities for Accounting and Financial Markets Research
Evidence-based policymaking is a rigorous attempt to base policy decisions (e.g., new regulation) on scientific and empirical evidence, i