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Who’s Paying Attention? Measuring Common Ownership and Its Impact on Managerial Incentives
There is a growing sense among academics and practitioners that common ownership—where two firms are at least partially owned by the same
Do Investors Value Sustainability? A Natural Experiment Examining Ranking and Fund Flows
As firms invest more resources in sustainable and socially responsible endeavors, it is important to know whether such investments reflec
Initial Coin Offerings: Financing Growth with Cryptocurrency Token Sales
Initial coin offerings (ICOs) may be a significant innovation in entrepreneurial finance.
China as a "National Strategic Buyer": Towards a Multilateral Regime for Cross-Border M&A
Unlike the case of cross-border trade, there is no explicit international governance regime for cross-border M&A; rather, there is a
Cheap-Stock Tunneling Around Preemptive Rights
Corporate insiders may engage in tunneling—transactions to transfer value from outside shareholders to themselves.
Cleary Gottlieb to sponsor ECGI Law Prize
The European Corporate Governance Institute today (4 July 2018) announced a collaboration with the international law firm Clear
ECGI Receives the 2018 ICGN 'Excellence in Corporate Governance' Award
26 June 2018 – Milan.
Do Founders Control Start-Up Firms that Go Public?
Startup founders, who typically must cede control of their firms to obtain VC financing, are widely believed to regain control in the eve