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Passive Investors
Passive investors, such as Vanguard or Blackrock, that track an index and have no discretion over their investments own a growin
Perils of Limiting the Coverage of Mandatory Pay Disclosure: The Korean Experience
Government regulation on disclosure differs considerably across countries. This gives rise to some interesting research questions.
The Sustainability Footprint of Institutional Investors
Institutional Investors are currently the dominant category of shareholders in stock markets and have attracted considerable attention by
Which Aspects of Corporate Governance Matter in Emerging Markets: Evidence from Brazil, India, Korea, and Turkey
There is evidence that some “corporate governance indices” predict higher firm values in emerging markets, but little evidence on which s
Guy Jubb appointed as Interim Chairman of ECGI
Guy Jubb, a Director of the ECGI, was appointed interim Chairman of the Board on August 30, 2018, succeeding David Devlin, who remai
Trust and Shareholder Voting
Theory as well as empirical studies suggest that voting at annual general shareholder meetings (AGMs) creates value.
Non-Shareholder Voice in Bank Governance: Board Composition, Performance and Liability
Our paper, Non-Shareholder Voice in Bank Governance: Board Composition, Performance and Liability, takes as its general starting
ECGI welcomes 15 new Institutional Members
13 August 2018 – Brussels.