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Latest News
Bucharest EU Presidency Conference
Corporate Governance as the Enabler of Sustainable Growth
The Costs and Benefits of Performance Fees in Mutual Funds
In this paper we study mutual funds offered for sale in Europe that charge so-called performance fees. These are fees charged on to
New Editor of the ECGI Law Working Paper Series
ECGI is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof.
Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments: What Is the Role of Public Policy?
Cross-border venture capital investments play an important role in the scaling up of high-growth companies.
Are we Board-Ready for Blockchain and AI?
Blockchain and artificial intelligence (“AI”) are often referenced as key developments for the boardrooms of the future.
Employee-Manager Alliances and Shareholder Returns from Acquisitions
In this article, we examine the potential for management-worker alliances when employees have substantial voting rights from their equity
What Goes Wrong in M&As? On the Long-Run Success Factors in M&As
Mergers and acquisitions (M&As) are among the most important events in a company’s lifecycle and have a significant impact on the fir
Do Managers Successfully Shop for Compliant Auditors? Evidence from Accounting Estimates
Financial reports are important tools used by investors to evaluate company performance and future prospects.
The End of “Corporate” Governance (Hello “Platform” Governance)
A significant development in the global economy over the last two decades has been the emergence of businesses that organize and define t