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Latest News
Launching the ECGI Community
ECGI is launching an independent engagement and collaboration platform open to all those with an interest in corporate governance.&n
Does Diversification of Share Classes Increase Firm Value?
In the absence of agency conflict and market frictions, it is beneficial to allow greater freedom to firms in their choice of corporate f
Activism Pressure and the Market for Corporate Assets
The intense and sustained presence of hedge fund activists in many industries and markets makes it likely that activism produces effects
When Shareholders Disagree: Trading After Shareholder Meetings
Shareholder voting has become one of the main avenues through which shareholders participate in corporate governance, and it is frequentl
Book Announcement: The Public Company Transformed
For decades, the public company has played a dominant role in the American economy.
The Data Standardization Challenge
Data standardization – the process of developing and implementing rules for how data are described and recorded – offers significant bene
Why Do Auditors Fail? What Might Work? What Won't?
Accounting scandals have sprung up everywhere over the last two years: the U.S., Europe, South Africa -- and, most of all, the U.K.
Loyalty Shares: Limited Use Structure or Corporate Game Changer?
At a time when dual class share structures have come under regular attack by investors, the concept of loyalty shares, popularised in Fra
The Neglected Role of Justification under Uncertainty in Corporate Governance and Finance
A big corporate governance debate today is on the so-called short-termism of publicly held companies.