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Sticking around Too Long? Dynamics of the Benefits of Dual-Class Voting
Both practitioners and academics generally have a dim view of dual-class share structures. For example, when Snap Inc.
Does Bankruptcy Risk Increase Value? Puzzles and Diversification
We usually compare the market price of different companies thinking we are comparing their fundamental values.
A Sustainable Platform Economy & the Future of Corporate Governance
A significant development in the global economy over the last two decades has been the emergence of businesses that define and organize t
Firms’ Rationales for CEO Duality: Evidence from a Mandatory Disclosure Regulation
CEO duality – the practice of combining the roles of the CEO and chairman of the board – has been the topic of one of the longest debates
Appointment of 17 New ECGI Research Members
ECGI is delighted to announce the appointment of 17 new Research Members to add to its distinguished ranks.
Which Related Party Transactions Should Be Subject to Ex Ante Review? Evidence from Germany
With its rules on related party transactions (RPTs), the amended EU Shareholder Rights Directive introduces a novel ex ante review of sus
The Intangibles Song in Takeover Announcements: Good Tempo, Hollow Tune
Takeovers are major corporate actions; they significantly impact the future of the acquiring company.
Farewell to Fairness: Towards Retiring Delaware's Entire Fairness Review
This Essay entertains the idea that Delaware’s corporate law is set on a trajectory that would eventually lead to reforming its
Shadow Pills and Long-Term Firm Value
Whether antitakeover defenses are beneficial or inimical to shareholder interests is the subject of a perennial debate in the corporate f