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Call For Papers: GCGC 2020
Global Corporate Governance Colloquium
The Rise and Fall of Regulatory Competition in Corporate Insolvency Law in the European Union
In this paper, I discuss the rise and fall of regulatory competition in corporate insolvency law in the European Union. The rise is
Irrelevance of Governance Structure
The central theme in corporate governance is that allocating more control rights to shareholders will allow them to hold disloyal manager
Network-Sensitive Financial Regulation
Shocks that hit part of the financial system, such as the subprime mortgage market in 2007, can propagate and amplify through the complex
Selecting Directors Using Machine Learning
Can an algorithm assist firms in their hiring decisions of corporate directors?
The Politics of CEOs
CEOs of U.S. public companies have significant influence over policy and political decisions.
The Threat of Intervention
One of the fundamental issues in modern corporate finance is the problem of separation of firm ownership from control.
Private Benefits and Corporate Investment and Financing Decisions: The Case of Corporate Philanthropy
What is the (opportunity) cost of private benefits of control?