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Deal Insurance: Representation & Warranty Insurance in M&A Contracting
Parties to M&A transactions now commonly purchase insurance against breaches of the reps and warranties. In a forthcoming artic
Litigating Innovation: Evidence from Securities Class Action Lawsuits
Our paper provides novel evidence suggesting that a central pillar of the U.S.
Is The Stock Market Biased Against Diverse Top Management Teams?
Stock market investors are becoming increasingly vocal about the diversity of corporate leadership teams, following a global trend to eng
Event Report: The Future of The Firm
Speculation, caution, enthusiasm, prediction, and philosophy: a recent event on "The Future of the Firm"
Opt-In Stewardship: Toward an Optimal Delegation of Mutual Fund Voting Authority
Corporate ownership around the world rests largely in the hands of institutional intermediaries. Even in U.S., once a bastion of re
The Private Use of Credit Ratings: Evidence from Investment Mandates
Ever since the global financial crisis in 2008, credit ratings have been subject to increased scrutiny.
Regulatory and Market Challenges of Initial Coin Offerings
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are a way to finance early stage innovations and an ICO represents the first public offering of a crypto-as
GCGC (3): Liability and Regulation in a Changing World
The Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC) is a global initiative to bring together the best research in law, economics and fi
GCGC (4): Challenging the Accepted
The Global Corporate Governance Colloquia (GCGC) is a global initiative to bring together the best research in law, economics and fi