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Managerial Response to Shareholder Empowerment: Evidence from Majority Voting Legislation Changes
This paper studies managerial reaction to shareholder empowerment that strengthens shareholder voting, a form of direct democracy.
Tunneling Through Group Trademarks
A trademark is a type of intellectual property comprising a recognizable word, phrase, symbol, and/or design that distinguishes products
Earnings Management around Founder CEO Re-appointments and Successions in Family Firms
Earnings management consists of a firm’s insiders cooking the books, that is, manipulating reported earnings via discretionary accruals a
Does Board Gender Diversity Affect Renewable Energy Consumption?
To the best of our knowledge this is the first study to investigate whether the presence of female directors in the boardrooms of US corp
The Politics of Capital Markets Union
The European Capital Markets Union is an ambitious project with a well-established economic rationale.
ICO Investors
Initial coin offerings (ICOs) have become the prevalent source of financing for start-up companies that use blockchain technology, raisin
Index Funds and Corporate Governance: Let Shareholders be Shareholders
Index funds and indexed ETFs managed by the “Big Three” – BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street – have grown to be the largest investors i