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Latest News
Self-Driving Corporations?
What are the implications of artificial intelligence (AI) for corporate law?
Angels and Venture Capitalists: Substitutes or Complements?
Start-up firms need multiple rounds of funding as they grow from mere ideas into substantial companies.
Be Careful What You Ask for: Fundraising Strategies in Equity Crowdfunding
The so-called “FinTech revolution” is beginning to have a significant impact on the way new companies are financed.
ECGI Appoints Five New Fellows
ECGI is proud to announce the appointment of five new Fellows to add to its distinguished ranks.
Stakeholder Impartiality: A New Classic Approach for the Objectives of the Corporation
The stockholder/stakeholder dilemma has occupied corporate leaders and corporate lawyers for over a century. Most recentl
Teams and Bankruptcy
Corporate bankruptcies constitute an important mechanism through which the economy rids itself of obsolete firms and allocates their cons
Centros and Defensive Regulatory Competition: Some Thoughts and a Glimpse at the Data
Before Centros, many EU Member States used the “real seat theory” to hinder regulatory arbitrage.
The Firms’ Reaction to Changes in the Governance Preferences of Active Institutional Owners
Institutional investors are becoming increasingly influential on firm policies.
Toward a Mission Statement for Mutual Funds in Shareholder Litigation
Mutual funds own approximately 30 percent of the U.S.