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How are Bankers Paid?
Bank executive incentives and compensation have been in the spotlight since the 2007-2009 financial crisis.
A Theory of Financial Media
In this paper we aim to better understand the economic role of financial journalists.
Post-Crisis Corporate Culture and Governance in Banking
The 2007-09 financial crisis exposed numerous vulnerabilities of the financial system that arise from failures within individual financia
Party Building or Noisy Signaling? The Contours of Political Conformity in Chinese Corporate Governance
In 2015, the Chinese Communist Party embarked on an unprecedented policy: writing itself into the corporate charters of many of the count
Why Financial Regulation Keeps Falling Short
Modern finance is fast moving, complex, and the source of pervasive unknowns.
Signaling Safety
In this paper we revisit a classic idea in finance and economics, namely the hypothesis that dividend changes convey information about fi
Disclosure Regulation and Corporate Acquisitions
While disclosure regulation is often viewed as critical in promoting capital formation and the well-functioning of capital markets, tight
ESG Rating Disagreement and Stock Returns
A variety of professional data vendors nowadays provide firm-level Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) ratings (or scores).
It's Not So Bad: Director Bankruptcy Experience and Corporate Risk Taking
In our paper ‘It’s Not So Bad: Director Bankruptcy Experience and Corporate Risk Taking,” we evaluate the extent to which a director’s co