The ECGI news section is focused on news about ECGI, events, projects, publications and ECGI members. It is not intended as a news site to share media stories about corporate governance. Queries about news stories can be directed to

Latest News
Call For Papers: GCGC 2025
Global Corporate Governance Colloquium
ECGI announces prizes for papers on geopolitics and ESG policies
ECGI is delighted to announce the winners of the best papers in the Working Paper Finance and Law Series published in
Introducing the new ECGI website
The new website platform was built around three foundational truths: ECGI is a global network. It is a public good.
The Future of Open Access Publishing
BRUSSELS – 15 April 2024.
Interview with Herman Daems, Chair of the Board of ECGI
New interview with Herman Daems in 'The Director', a multimedia con
Global Corporate Sustainability Report
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has released a new report on the global landscape of corporate sustaina