- Contributor
Prof. Pierre-Emmanuel Beluche
Head of Sustainable Finance, Corporate Law, Accounting Standards, and Corporate Governance
French Treasury
Pierre-Emmanuel Beluche is Head of Sustainable Finance, Corporate Law, Accounting Standards, and Corporate Governance at the French Treasury, since August, 2020. He joined the Ministry of Finance in 2013, where he held various positions, including co-Head of Market Operations at Agence France Trésor, the State’s Debt Management Office. In October 2017, he was appointed Executive Director at the Asian Development Bank, Philippines, representing Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Switzerland on the Board, and chaired the Audit Committee of the Board from April 2018 to the end of his term on 31 July 2020. He is an engineer and graduated from the French School of Administration (ENA). He is 36, and married with two children.