- Research Member
Professor Peter O Muelbert
Visiting Professor, Harvard Law School (2007)
Professor, Law Faculty, University of Mainz (1999 - )
Professor, Law Faculty, University of Trier (1995 – 1999)
Professor, Law Faculty, University of Heidelberg (1994 – 1995)
Other Current and Recent Affiliations
Panel of Financial Services Experts of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament (2006 - )
Administrative Appeal Committee („Widerspruchsausschuss“) at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority („BaFin“) (2002 - )
Advisory Council („Übernahmerat“) at the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (2002 - )
Research Fellow, European Corporate Governance Institute (2003 - )
Executive Board, Bankrechtliche Vereinigung – wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Bankrecht e.V. (German association of lawyers for banking law and capital market law)
Editorial Board, Zeitschrift für das gesamte Handelsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht (2007 - ) journal for commercial law, corporate law, capital market law, competition law)
Editorial Advisory Board, Wertpapiermitteilungen (2002 - ) (journal for banking law, capital market law, corporation law)
Editorial Board, Neue Zeitschrift für Gesellschaftsrecht (2007 - ) (journal for corporation law)
University of Munich, „Habilitation” (1994)
Baden-Württemberg, Bar Exam („2. Staatsexamen“), 1985
University of Tübingen, Doctorate in Law (1984)
University of Tübingen, J.D. („1. Staatsexamen“) (1981)