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Dr Min Yan is a Reader at City Law School. He joins City, University of London from Queen Mary University of London, where he was a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in business law and Director of BSc Business with Law Programme. He holds a PhD in Law from King’s College London and a fellowship of Higher Education Academy.

Dr Yan’s research engages with the intersection between business and law and specialises in corporate law, corporate governance, and corporate responsibility. He has published in leading refereed journals such as Legal Studies, Journal of Corporate Law Studies, Asia Pacific Law Review, Hong Kong Law Journal and well-known U.S. law reviews such as Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, Hastings Business Law Journal and Columbia Journal of Asian Law. His monograph Beyond Shareholder Wealth Maximisation is published by Routledge in 2018 (paperback in 2019). Dr Yan’s research has also been featured on the Oxford Business Law Blog, Business Times and Columbia University’s Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets etc.

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