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Full Professor Commercial Law/ Law Department /University of Turin Deputy Director Public Engagement, Third Mission and Innavation/ Law Department /University of Turin Co-Coordinator HUB Gender and Sustainability/ Law Department /University of Turin Co- Coordinator Law & New Technologies Research Group/ Law Department /University of Turin Member of Scientific Committee and Referee of Scientific Review (Giurisprudenza Arbitrale, Nuovo Diritto Società, Diritto imprese, Diritto delle assicurazioni) and Member of Directors Committee of Giurisprudenza Italiana Member of Steering Committee Antifinancial Crime Digital Hub Intesa Sanpaolo, of Scientific Committee of JobsLab Sinergie and Board Member of Enne 3 - Incubatore di impresa UNIPO Author of more than 80 reasearch products including monographs, articles, and book chapters on corporate law, banking law, corporate governance, groups, commercial contracts, gender equality, and artificial intelligence Speaker and organizer at national and international scientific conferences Lawyer in Turin - Fenoglio Callegari Law Firm

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