- Academic Member
Professor Massimo Belcredi
Professor Massimo Belcredi has been Professor of Corporate Finance
in the Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Economia e della Gestione
Aziendale, Università Cattolica, Milan since 2000. He has
also taught in the University of Bologna and at the Catholic University
in Piacenza.
He qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1989 and was a member
of the IRS (Institute for Social Research, Milan) from 1987-1991.
He was on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Management and
Governance from 1996-2000, a Consultant for the Italian Stock
Exchange Council (1995), and a member of the Advisory Board for
Privatization to Rome Town Council (1994-1996). He has been a
Consultant for Assonime (Association of Italian Limited Liability
Corporations) since 2000 and an Independent Director (Arca SGR)
since 2001.