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Keijo Varis holds a master’s degree in business administration (Finance and Accounting) and Doctor in science (Management and Leadership) from University of Jyväskylä/Finland and Master of Science (Public Management) from University of Tampere/Finland. Since 2015, he has worked as a principal lecturer/professor of practice in management and leadership at Turku University of Applied Sciences in Finland. He has supervised more than 100 MBA theses in English. Prior to his academic career, he worked for more than 20 years in industrial companies in Finland. 10 years in financial management and another 10 years in the management of strategic planning and risk management. He was part of the management groups of companies and participated in board work. He has been a member of the Finnish and international strategic management societies. He is a life-time member of the India Institute of Directors (IOD) and it´s only Finnish member. During his academic career, he has published several peer-reviewed articles on management and leadership in academic journals, mainly in the USA.

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