- Research Member
Professor Dr. Katja C Langenbucher
Katja is a law professor at Goethe-University's House of Finance in Frankfurt, affiliated professor at SciencesPo, Paris, and long-term visiting faculty at Fordham Law School, NYC. She has held visiting positions at SciencesPo, Paris (Alfred Grosser Chaire); Sorbonne, Paris I; Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Vienna; London School of Economics, London; Columbia Law School, NYC; Fordham Law School (Edward Mulligan Distinguished Professorship)m NYC; Bok Visiting International Professorship at PennLaw, Phildalphia.
She is a member of BaFin's (German securities market oversight body) supervisory board and of the German Federal Ministry of Finance’s working group on Capital markets law. Katja was a member of the supervisory board of a German bank (2014-18) and of the EU Commission’s High Level Forum on the Capital Market Union (2019-20).
Current Projects
Research Interests
Katja’s current research projects focus on FinTech (data protection and anti-discrimination in credit scoring) and corporate governance of banks (lessons from Wirecard; behavioral and cognitive corporate governance).