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Ivan Tchotourian holds a Master of Laws (LL.M.) and a Ph.D. in Private Law (2007). After completion of his Ph.D., Ivan Tchotourian completed his postdoctoral fellowship on corporate social responsibility of listed companies under the supervision of the renowned Professor Stéphane Rousseau from Montreal University. Subsequently, Ivan Tchotourian lectured on corporate social responsibility at Montreal University and was appointed coordinator to the Chair in Governance and Business Law. After having served as University lecturer at Nantes University, Ivan Tchotourian is currently a Professor at Laval University and is Co-Director of the Centre d'études en droit économique (CÉDÉ). Ivan Tchotouurian’s areas of expertise are corporate law, corporate governance, financial market regulation, comparative business law, and corporate social responsibility of listed companies. Moreover, Mr. Tchotourian regularly participates at international conferences and his expertise is both nationally and internationally recognized and sought after by universities and government institutions. He is also the author of numerous publications in prestigious law journals and collective works written both in English and French (Recueil Dalloz, Revue des sociétés, Les Petites Affiches…). Ivan Tchotourian has authored in 2011 a monograph published by éditions L.G.D.J.-Lextenso in the Private Law Library Collection titled: Vers une définition de l’affection societatis lors de la constitution d’une société (695 pages). Ivan Tchotourian has also been visiting professor in numerous universities, among others, the University of Monash (Australia) and Louisiana State University (USA).

Ivan Tchotourian manages with Stéphane Rousseau a blog devoted to the international reflections about governance and financial market (Idées et réflexions sur la gouvernance et les marchés financiers :

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