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Urban Economist, Expert in Sustainable Finance, ESG Investments Evaluation, Sustainable Lending, with extensive experience at international level. Giampiero has been teaching at University level for many years in Master and official Courses. He is currently Professor in charge of Evaluation of the economic feasibility and financial sustainability of investment projects at the Faculty of Architecture of the Sapienza University of Rome; and Lecturer of Real Estate Finance in the Master Polis-Maker of the Politecnico di Milano University. Expert in Sustainable Lending and Valuation of assets as collateral for bank loans and mortgages (including NPLs), areas in which he has published many studies, including the Italian Property Valuation Standard – Codice delle Valutazioni Immobiliari as co-author and Scientific Director (now in its fifth edition), and Sostenibilità del valore nel finanziamento immobiliare (i.e. Sustainability of value in real estate financing - 2021). IVSC Europe Board Member (the International Valuation Standards Council is the global standard setter for property and business valuation), London. Skilled in Regulatory and Institutional Affairs, is a Vice Chair of the “United for Smart Sustainable Cities – U4SSC” a UN Initiative, acting as global institutional platform aimed at supporting innovative sustainable policies. Vice Chair of the UN ECE Committee on Urban Development Housing and Land Management (Geneva). Chair of the Board of Directors and Independent Director of P&G Società di Gestione del Risparmio SpA, Rome (Asset management company founded in 2004 with ABS Funds, Real Estate Funds, and Credit Management Funds). Giampiero holds a MSc in Economics. In addition Giampiero has achieved: (i) a Master in Management and Financial Statements for Corporate Jurists at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; (ii) a postgraduate Diploma in “European Public Management and Economic Policy” from Scuola Nazionale dell’Amministrazione - SNA, under the P.C.M. (Italy); (iii) advanced courses in Financial Markets Law and Corporate Governance, at University of Milan (La Statale), and (iv) a specilization course in Management at SDA Bocconi, Milan.

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