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Current position

Full Professor of Corporate Finance, Roma Tre University - Department of Economics


Academic curriculum

From 2000 to date: Full Professor of Corporate Finance

From 1992 to 2000: Associate Professor of Corporate Finance

From 1988 to 1992: Research Fellow of Business Management



Degree in Economics and Business Administration, “La Sapienza” University-Rome, 110/110 (cum laude), 1982


Teaching activity

Courses of Corporate Finance, Advanced Corporate Finance, Economics and Finance of Small Business, Financial Analysis, Valuation, Strategic Management, in under/post graduate, (I and II level) masters, and Ph.D programs.


Membership of scientific institutions

Member of the Italian Economists Society (SIE).

Member of the Italian Academy of Business & Management (AIDEA).

Member of non-executive directors community (NEDcommunity).

Member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in Economics of Roma Tre University (2013-2017 and from 2020 to date).

Member of the Academic Board of the Doctorate in Banking and Finance od Tor Vergata University (until 2013).

Member of the AIDEA-CUN (National Council of University) Commission on Research Classification and Assessment.

Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Management and Governance, Springer.

President of the Scientific Committee of the “Pierangelo Garegnani“ Library of Economics of Roma Tre University (November, 2013- February, 2015)

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Central Library Network of Roma Tre University (November, 2013- February, 2015)

Referee for the following academic journals: Finanza, Marketing e Produzione-Egea,  Rivista di Politica Economica-Sipi, Economia Politica-Il Mulino, Journal of Management and Governance-Springer, Banca Impresa Società – Il Mulino, Applied Financial Economics-Francis & Taylor; Corporate Ownership & Control, VirtusPress, Asia-Pacific Financial Markets, Springer.

Former referee for publications of the Research Department of Mediobanca Group.


Research activity 

Current research areas

- cooperative banks as a model of sustainable banking

- rethorical strategies of explaining (in non-compliance areas of CG code)

- drivers of risk and cost of capital of European banks

- impact of financial architecture on risk-taking and performance

- measurement of mutual funds’ performance

- finance and economics of the Italian MSEs 

- corporate capital structure and cost of capital

- cost and benefit analysis in public investments and project financing.


Professional activity

From 1990 to date: Free-lance consultant or in charge of managerial consulting firms.

Applied research and managerial consulting for various banks, industrial firms and public institutions (i.e. Monte dei Paschi di Siena Group, Capitalia, Telecom Italia,  Finsiel, Italian Ministry of Production Activities, Enel Group, Marche Region, IRI-Management, Spegea, Formez, LUISS Business School, Ifoa, IBL Banca) in the following areas: corporate governance and financial structure, cost of capital, performance and risk measurement/evaluation of firms-investments-strategies, analysis for financial decisions, credit risk assessment, management control and strategic planning, managerial evaluation.

In charge of design and implementation of business-games, simulation models, decision support systems for managerial consulting in banks, industrial firms and public institutions.

Member of the Supervisory Board of Banca Popolare di Milano (2016) and member of Balance Sheet Internal Committee.

President of Board of Statutory Auditors of Sarnese Vesuviano srl (Acea group) (2014-2017).

Member of Ismea (Institute of Services for Food and Agricultural Industry) Rating Committee (2008-2011): solvency assessment and rating assignment of Italian firms operating in Food and Agricultural Industry.

Enrolled in Financial Experts’ Register of Rome Penal Court from 2007 (and related expert evidence reporting).

Enrolled in Performance Valuation Independent Body Register of Public Administration (from 2020, December)

President of the Task Force for managerial evaluation of Ente Parco dei Sibillini (2003-2005).

Expert Member of the Task Force for managerial evaluation of Marche Region (1996-1999).


Please, see here my cv and publications 

cv & publications

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