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Daniela is a graduate from the National Aprilov High School in the town of Gabrovo. In 1998 she graduated with a Masters degree from the Law Faculty of Sofia University and for more than 15 years now she has been working in the field of regulation of the capital market in Bulgaria, raising the disclosure standards of exchange represented companies, applying the principles of good corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. For 10 years she has been an Investor Relations manager which she is passionate about. For 10 years she has had the honour to be the Chairperson of the professional organization of the Investor Relations Directors in Bulgaria - ABIRD. In her capacity of Chairperson of the Association she is in charge of conducting and coordinating the overall activities of the organization and representing the interests of IRDs – members of the Association before the regulatory authorities and other institutions on the capital market in Bulgaria. She is Member of the Bulgarian National Corporate Governance Committee, member of the Advisory Board to the Chairperson of the Bulgarian FSC. Since 2005 Daniela has participated as a lecturer and moderator at different Conferences, Round Tables, Seminars and other public event on various issues related to IR, Corporate Governance and CSR policies and practices in Bulgarian listed companies.

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