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Claudio Pedretti, CEO Green Climate Ventures, President of the Board of Directors at Alliance for Rural Electrification Mr. Pedretti is an Italian serial entrepreneur and industry leader considered an expert in solar mini-grids and in DRE generation (Distributed Renewable Energy). He is currently serving as President of the Board of Directors of the Alliance for Rural Electrification the larger worldwide industry association representing 190 companies in the sector, as well as in the Steering committee of Ren21 UN SDG7 “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” is his passion and focus. After the exit from his first startup, he is doubling down his commitment through his new Green Climate Venture (GCV) an early-stage equity impact investor in social startups in Asia and Africa engaged in off-grid renewable energy, agriculture, and smart cooling. The core values of GCV are social equity and environmental protection.

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