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I am a part-time PhD student, and full-time corporate executive in the global travel industry. I am researching in models of collaboration between the private and public sectors, to grow sustainable and inclusive development. My interest in engaging in the ECGI is part of a broader interest to understand how the increasing social responsibility conscience of global corporations, can be channelled towards inclusive, industry development initiatives, with nationwide impact, in developing countries where they operate - beyond their home markets and beyond their normal commercial operations and needs. If Corporate Governance is a vector of corporate social responsibility, and if social responsibility is one of the essential pillars (among others) of a corporationĀ“s responsibility in the society that it is a part of, and critical player in, I believe the role that corporations with unique reach and influence (such as multinationals) currently choose to have, in their external social responsibility, has immense potential that remains untapped. I believe this is a situation that cannot be underestimated, particularly if we consider lessons learnt from the recent, global health pandemic, and from people and inequality-related crises that we continue to experience, across the globe.

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