JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” (LVM) is a state-owned company managing more than half of Latvia's forest area.
LVM is a leading company of sustainable forest land management and forestry at Baltic Sea Region. The company manages and administers 1.63 million ha of state-owned land, including 1.60 million ha of forest land, which incorporates 1.41 million ha of forest. The strategic goal of LVM is to implement the sustainable, efficient and responsible management of the state`s company`s strategic assets – land, forest, minerals and other resources. Also, the company’s key objectives are to increase forest productivity and carbon sequestration and promote Latvia’s competitiveness in global value chains, as well as to reach the national climate neutrality goals and develop the production of products and the provision of services based on technologies and scientific achievements.
The main LVM business units are:
LVM Forestry, which is responsible for wood supplies, construction and maintenance of forest infrastructure objects. We cannot survive on this planet without forests, therefore LVM Forestry strive to create long term value that’s based on growth in a sustainable forest management, which devoting efforts towards mitigating climate change, maintains and enhances the economic, social and environmental values of forests so that both present and future generations can benefit from them
LVM Seeds and plants, which is responsible for production of high-quality plants, seeds and seedlings. LVM has one of the most modern nurseries in Europe, where high-quality and genetically improved seedlings are grown from specially selected seeds, that are being used to regenerate the forests of Latvia and neighboring countries – Estonia, Lithuania, also Sweden, enabling forest owners and managers to maximize the future value of the forest.
LVM Recreation and hunting services aims to balance the goals of economic, environmental and social aspects to ensure the realization of various interests. This business unit provides ecoservices for society - including recreational facilities, tours, accommodation, equipment rental, licensed fishing and hunting.
LVM Mineral resources provides an access to high-quality and high-value mineral materials and their mixtures throughout the territory of Latvia. Locations of quarries have been selected carefully to balance the economic needs without posing environmental risks. The company provides assurance that products comply with quality standards, as well as the production process of mineral materials and their mixtures complies with the internationally recognized standards.
LVM Business system solutions/LVM GEO, which is developing Geospatial information system solutions (GIT) since 2009 to support our business operations and offer GIT products and services also to clients specializing in various industries. LVM GEO products range from a modular and multifunctional geospatial information technology platform with interfaces for companies and organizations to open tools for spatial data processing for any GIT user.
LVM GEO geospatial information technology development and maintenance is provided by the professional team of LVM’s GIT division - geospatial solution architects, developers and consultants, system and geospatial solution analysts, spatial modelling experts, remote sensing specialists and project managers.
LVM is a founder and active member of The European State Forest Association (EUSTAFOR).
LVM is implementing forest management in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as according to the requirements of responsible and sustainable forest management standards and ISO standards. All the information regarding the certification can be found on our web page: https://www.lvm.lv/en/sabiedribai-en/certification.