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Finance Editorial Board

The ECGI Working Paper series is a repository of academic research papers produced by ECGI Research members consisting of highly qualified and renowned academics from across the globe. The series is managed by a team of ECGI Editors and the papers focus on Corporate Governance topics in both Law and Finance fields.

The finance editorial board invite papers from ECGI Fellows and Research Associates for inclusion in the ECGI - SSRN Working Paper Series. See the FAQ for more information about how to submit papers for the Working Paper Series.


Finance Editor

Mike Burkart

Professor of Finance
London School of Economics and Political Science
Fellow, Research Member



Mike Burkart is Professor of Finance at the London School of Economics (LSE). His PhD in Economics was from the LSE (1996) and his BA Economics from the University of Basel (1989).

He was elected an ECGI Research Associate in 2004.

Renée Adams

Professor of Finance
University of Oxford
Fellow, Research Member

Franklin Allen

Professor of Finance and Economics
Imperial College Business School, Brevan Howard Centre
Fellow, Research Member

Marco Pagano

Professor of Economics, Facoltà di Economia
Università di Napoli Federico II
Fellow, Research Member

Julian Franks

Professor of Finance
London Business School
Fellow, Research Member
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