Private Equity and Venture Capital
Watch the presentations here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ysOguv9W0IU-Eug_RSVu-FPvhsmlId_
Private Equity and Venture Capital:
A Transatlantic Law & Finance Debate
Wednesday, 22 June 2022
13:00 - 18:15 CEST | 12:00 BST - 17:15 BST
Thursday, 23 June 2022
13:00 - 19:10 CEST | 12:00 BST - 18:10 BST
Organizing Committee
Rainer Haselmann (Goethe University Frankfurt LawFin)
David Kershaw (London School of Economics and Political Science and ECGI)
Casimiro A Nigro (Goethe University Frankfurt LawFin)
Tobias H Tröger (Goethe University Frankfurt LawFin and ECGI)
Simon Witney (London School of Economics and Political Science)
About the event
Private equity and venture capital play a fundamental role in supporting long-term sustainable economic growth and therefore are fundamental components of any mature financial system. Policymakers around the world have accordingly sought to attract private equity and venture capital investments, while simultaneously attempting to mitigate some of the potentially distortions associated with their business models. Yet, as the past 30 years of law and finance literature have made evident, determining the optimal institutional framework for private equity and venture capital investments is no easy task, let alone understanding how to address their shortcomings. This conference convenes global thought leaders in the field and aims to take stock of the most recent advancements in the law and finance literature concerning these segments of the asset management industry with a view to promoting an interdisciplinary discussion between financial economists and lawyers from both sides of the Pond.