Long-term impact of institutional ownership on governance and sustainable investment
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Click here to read the Roundtable Report from this event.
Click here to access the slides from this event.
The Roundtable focused on the role of foreign institutional investors and proxy advisory firms in promoting corporate governance and sustainable investment. Indian capital markets are increasingly becoming one of the most favoured investment destinations for leading international institutional investors. At the firm level, improvement in corporate governance, greater accountability and adoption of IFRS, and at the political level, a commitment to generate sustainable economic growth are just some of the factors that have contributed to rising international capital flows into Indian markets, which have been among the best performing in 2017. But, are these foreign institutional investors committed to long-term sustainable growth in India? Or, are they likely to withdraw their investment when the going gets tough? This roundtable considered the academic evidence in other markets and debated the policy implications of such evidence for Indian capital markets, companies and long-term economic growth. It also debated on whether proxy advisory firms have made a dent on corporate governance in India and how far can these firms be relied upon in the future to preserve high governance standards.
Ashwini Agarwal, Co-Founder, Ashmore Investment Management India LLP
Simon Bailey, Investment Manager, M&G Investments, UK
Bala Balasubramanian,
Prachi Deuskar, Professor, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
Mike Everett, Governance and Stewardship Director, Aberdeen Standard Investments
Shyamala Gopinath, Chairperson, HDFC Bank
Rajat Jain, CIO, Principal PNB Mutual Fund
Guy Jubb, European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
Pedro Matos, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Nirmal Mohanty, Chief Economist, National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)
Amit Tandon, CEO, Institutional Investor Advisory Services (IIAS)
Suneet Weling, Executive Director, Kotak Investment Banking
This event coincided with the 2017 ACGA Conference taking place at the Trident Hotel in Mumbai.