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The second annual GCGC Conference was hosted by Swedish House of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics on 10 - 11 June 2016 in Stockholm, Sweden.

GCGC 2016, hosted by the Swedish House of Finance at Stockholm School of Economics, brought together a rich array of papers that explored various facets of corporate governance, each contributing novel insights into the mechanisms and effects of governance practices across different jurisdictions and economic sectors. 

Themes included the impact of corporate governance structures on firm performance, the role of political and legal environments in shaping corporate behavior, and the evolving responsibilities of directors and shareholders in modern corporations. 

Several papers investigated how different governance structures, such as staggered boards and anti-takeover provisions, impact firm value and operational efficiency. This theme was central to understanding whether certain governance practices serve to protect incumbent management or genuinely add shareholder value. 

There was significant focus on the intersection of governance with legal and ethical considerations. Discussions centered around whether corporations should prioritize shareholder value maximization or consider broader stakeholder interests, reflecting a critical reassessment of corporate responsibilities beyond profitability.

Featured research analyzed corporate governance through both global and local lenses, acknowledging that governance practices and their effectiveness can vary widely across different jurisdictions. This included studies on the specific challenges and advantages of governance structures in markets like the U.S., China, and Europe.

Participants delved into the influence of different types of investors, including state and foreign institutional investors, on corporate strategies and long-term investment. The role of ownership structures in shaping governance practices and their implications for corporate policy was a recurring subject.

The conference also explored innovative governance mechanisms, such as majority voting systems for board elections and their effect on enhancing transparency and accountability in corporate governance. 

Other topics included the efficacy of traditional governance indices, and the socio-economic implications of bankruptcy laws.


10 June - Day 1

Registration & coffee


Introduction - Conference Chairman: Professor Mike Burkart

Session 1: Contracts - Session Chairman: Professor Mike Burkart


Coffee break

Session 2: Takeover Defenses - Session Chairman: Professor Bala Dharan



Session 3: Bankruptcy - Session Chairman: Tobias Tröger


Coffee break

Session 4 - Session Chairman: Professor Jeff Gordon

End of Academic Sessions

Reception & Dinner - Sjöfartshuset Restaurant

11 June - Day 2

Registration & coffee

Introduction - Conference Chairman: Professor Mike Burkart

Session 1 - Session Chairman: Professor Tan Cheng Han


Coffee break

Session 2 - Session Chairman: Professor Luh Luh Lan




Coffee break

Session 3 - Session Chairman: Gen Goto

Session 4 - Session Chairman: Henry Hansmann

Public Draw for 2018, 2019, 2020 Conference Locations

Drinks & Reception


Vicente Cuñat

Professor of Finance
Department of Finance, London School of Economics
Research Member

Pedro Matos

James A. & Stacy Cooper Bicentennial Professor of Business Administration (Finance)
Darden School of Business, University of Virginia
Research Member

Marco Pagano

Professor of Economics, Facoltà di Economia
Università di Napoli Federico II
Fellow, Research Member

Robert Daines

Pritzker Professor of Law and Business
Stanford Law School
Research Member

Mark Roe

David Berg Professor of Law
Harvard Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Luigi Zingales

Robert C. McCormack Professor Entrepreneurship & Finance
University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Fellow, Research Member

Jill Fisch

Saul A. Fox Distinguished Professor of Business Law
University of Pennsylvania Law School
Research Member

Curtis J. Milhaupt

William F. Baxter - Visa International Professor of Law
Stanford Law School
Research Member

Bernard Black

Nicholas J. Chabraja Professor
Northwestern University Law School and Kellogg School of Management Law School
Fellow, Research Member

Steven Kaplan

Neubauer Family Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance
University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
Fellow, Research Member

Guido Ferrarini

Emeritus Professor of Business Law
University of Genoa
Fellow, Research Member

Oliver Hart

Lewis P. and Linda L. Geyser University Professor
Department of Economics, Harvard University
Fellow, Research Member

More events in this series


Elaine McPartlan
European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI)
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