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Introduction and background

The aim of the conference was to bring together researchers from theory and empirics in the area of applied contract theory in finance. Topics for the conference included but were not limited to:

incentive theory in finance

applications of incomplete contracts

closely held and family firms

entrepreneurial finance

venture capital contracting

executive compensation

corporate control


loan contracting

capital structure

the economics of contract law

A conference organized by the University of Mannheim, the Journal of Financial Intermediation, the European Corporate Governance Institute, the German National Science Foundation, and the Center for Financial Studies.


Programme Committee

 Patrick Bolton (Columbia University, ECGI, and JFI)
Mike Burkart (Stockholm School of Economics)
Jan-Pieter Krahnen (Center for Financial Studies and Universität Frankfurt)
Christian Laux (Center for Financial Studies and Universität Frankfurt)
Ernst Maug (Universität Mannheim)
Manju Puri (Duke University and JFI)
Per Strömberg (Stockholm School of Economics and JFI)
Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (Universität Mannheim, ECGI, and JFI)
Paolo Volpin (London Business School)


Full funding for paper presenters and discussants will be provided by the European Corporate Governance Training Network, through the European Corporate Governance Institute, and by the German National Science Foundation, through the Special Research Unit 504 at Mannheim University.


Friday, 20 April 2007



Session 1 (Lending)


Coffee break


Fraud and Moral Hazard in Financial Contracts: Do Borrowers Cheat more when Lenders Care less?



Session 2 (Venture Capital)


Vesting and Control in Venture Capital Contracts



Coffee break

Session 3


Asset Liquidity, Boundaries of the Firm and Financial Contracts: Evidence from Aircraft Leases


Keynote Address: Contracts versus Institutions: A Critique of Corporate-Governance Theory


End of sessions


Saturday, 21 April 2007

Session 4 (Bankruptcy)


Coffee break


A Reconsideration of the Jensen-Meckling Model of Outside Finance




Session 6 (Compensation)


Coffee break

End of sessions



Ronald Masulis

Scientia Professor in Finance
UNSW School of Business, University of New South Wales
Research Member

Antoinette Schoar

Michael Koerner '49 Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance
MIT Sloan School of Management
Fellow, Research Member

Jun Yang

Dean, President's Chair in Finance, Professor
College of Business (Nanyang Business School)
Research Member

Ingolf Dittmann

Professor of Corporate Governance and Managerial Accounting
Erasmus Research Institute of Management - ERIM
Research Member

Ernst Maug

Professor of Corporate Finance
University of Mannheim Business School
Research Member

Roman Inderst

Professor of Finance and Economics
Goethe University Frankfurt
Research Member

Holger Mueller

Professor of Finance
New York University - Stern School of Business
Research Member
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