Centros and European Company Law: Twenty Years of Living Dangerously
Attendee List
Nikita | Aggarwal | University of Oxford |
John | Armour | University of Oxford, Faculty of Law |
Simon | Bahlinger | University of Heidelberg |
The Honourable Margaret | Beazley | Notre Dame Sydney Australia |
Marco | Becht | Université libre de Bruxelles |
Martin | Bengtzen | London School of Economics |
Jonathan | Chan | University of Oxford |
Anna | Christie | University of Cambridge, Faculty of Law |
Blanaid | Clarke | Trinity College Dublin |
Pierre-Henri | Conac | University of Luxembourg |
Marco | Corradi | Stockholm University / University of Oxford |
Steven | Davidoff Solomon | Berkeley Center for Law and Business |
Paul | Davies | Centre for Commercial Law, Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford |
Hans | De Wulf | Ghent University |
Horst | Eidenmüller | University of Oxford |
Andreas | Engert | University of Mannheim |
Luca | Enriques | University of Oxford |
Eilis | Ferran | University of Cambridge Law Faculty and Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (3CL) |
Jill | Fisch | University of Pennsylvania Law School |
Jason | Fu | University of Oxford |
Martin | Gelter | Fordham University School of Law |
Carsten | Gerner-Beuerle | University College London |
Louise | Gullifer | Oxford University |
Gérard | Hertig | Swiss Federal Institute of Technology |
Roderic | Kermarec | University of Oxford |
Vanessa | Knapp | Queen Mary University |
Maximilian | Leydecker | Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg |
J S | Liptrap | University of Cambridge |
Eva | Micheler | LSE |
Federico | Mucciarelli | SOAS University of London & University Modena |
Jatine | Patel | University of Oxford |
Sarah | Paterson | London School of Economics and Political Science |
Jennifer | Payne | Law Faculty, University of Oxford |
Alvaro | Pereira | University of California, Berkeley |
Giovanni | Petroboni | Commercial Law Centre - Harris Manchester College |
Elizabeth | Pollman | Loyola Marymount University |
Arad | Reisberg | Brunel Univeristy London |
Wolf-Georg | Ringe | University of Hamburg |
Alexander | Schall | Leuphana Law School, University Lüneburg |
Philine | Scheer | University of Oxford |
Edmund | Schuster | London School of Economics |
Anne-Lise | Sibony | University of Louvain |
Mathias | Siems | European University Institute / Durham University |
Christoph | Teichmann | Wuerzburg University |
Tobias | Tröger | Goethe University Frankfurt, House of Finance |
Kristin | Van Zwieten | University of Oxford |
Bojana | Vitanova | University of Oxford |
Josef | Weinzierl | University of Oxford |
Thom | Wetzer | University of Oxford |
Amit | Zac | University of Oxford |
*** Click here to read the event summary report ***
Supported by
3rd Annual Conference of the Oxford Business Law Blog
Oxford | 15 March 2019, 08:30am
Mordan Hall, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford
Print version of the programme
Conference Overview
March 2019 marked the twentieth anniversary of the Centros case (C-212/97), without doubt the most influential judgment rendered by the (then) Court of Justice in the field of European company law. Along with Überseering (2002) and Inspire Art (2003), Centros (1999) eased the cross-border mobility of corporations in the European Union, inducing fear of forum-shopping within the borders of the single-market, and prompting calls for a top-down harmonisation of corporate standards.
Against this backdrop, the editors of the Oxford Business Law Blog selected ‘Centros and European Company Law: Twenty Years of Living Dangerously’ as the theme of its third annual conference. Two weeks before Brexit would become effective, the conference provided an appropriate forum to discuss the present and future of European Company Law.
In addition, the theme invited a broader reflection on the dynamics of regulatory arbitrage and competition within the European continent and beyond, both in company law and adjacent areas. Amongst other pressing issues, the following questions were addressed: to what extent does the rise of technology redefine corporate mobility and fuel regulatory arbitrage? What is the legacy of Centros in insolvency law?
Conference Participation
This event was by invitation only. For any enquiries, please email oblb@law.ox.ac.uk.
About the Oxford Business Law Blog
The Oxford Business Law Blog is a forum for the exchange of ideas and the reporting of new developments in all aspects of business law. Its editorial board is comprised of Luca Enriques, Dan Awrey, Genevieve Helleringer, Horst Eindenmüller, Kristin van Zwieten, Umakanth Varottil and Andreas Engert. They are assisted by Roderic Kermarec, Vaclav Janecek, Jonathan Chan, Felix Pflücke, Bojana Vitanova, Leah Grolman and Jason Fu.
The 3rd Annual Conference of the OBLB was generously supported by Travers Smith, the European Corporate Governance Institute, the Oxford Law Faculty, the Commercial Law Centre at Harris Manchester College and the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law.
Registration and Coffee
Session 1
Centros and EU Free Movement rules
Centros, California’s “Women on Boards” Statute and the Scope of the Internal Affairs Doctrine
Coffee Break
Session 2
Revisiting Legal Capital
The Illusion of Motion: Corporate (Im-)Mobility and the Failed Promise of Centros
Session 3
Defensive Regulatory Competition and its Effects
Tech, Regulatory Arbitrage, and Limits
Coffee Break
Session 4
Business Restructurings in Europe 20 years after Centros
Roundtable: The Legacy of Centros and the Future of Regulatory Arbitrage in Business Law
Jill Fisch
Tobias Tröger
Eilis Ferran
Luca Enriques
John Armour
Marco Becht
Paul Davies