Annual Members Meeting 2003
The first General Assembly of the ECGI took place in Brussels on 15th January 2003. Over 50 members attended the meeting.
2003 Interim Report
A report showing the ECGI's progress in its first nine months can be found on this website. Click here to access the whole report.
ECGI Annual Lecture 2003
The General Assembly was followed by a panel discussion "The Future of Corporate Governance in Europe Post-Enron". The participant of this panel discussion was Brian Groom, the Editor of the Continental European edition of the Financial Times, Professor Bengt Holmström, Paul A Samuelson Professor of Economics, Department of Economics and Sloan School of Management MIT, Professor Julian Franks, Professor of Finance, London Business School, Professor Guido Ferrarini, Professor of Law at the University of Genova and Count Maurice Lippens, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fortis.