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ECGI feedback survey

General Feedback Survey Responses

Click here to view summary (2024 - )

See below for previous responses.

How satisfied are you with ECGI?
  • I am impressed by the recent range of activities and the depth of dialogue and analysis. I continue to be disappointed by the clubby nature of selection of research members in finance (not law).
  • Medium
  • I don't see the value of my membership
  • I am an Academic member and would love to be involved in ways further.
  • Quite satisfied
  • Good content, but the tiered membership idea is very off-putting.
  • It is an amazing organization
  • The first and second class membership structure is really annoying.
  • Output is too heavily weighted to academia. Have any of the academics ever run a business or served on a board? people
  • The ECGI is run like Ancien Regime France - aristocrats (Research Members) don't pay taxes (membership dues), but the middle class/serfs (Academic Members) do. There are costs but no benefits for Academic Members. It deserves overturning by revolution. See further below (Alan Koh)
  • It's ridiculous you maintain a two-tier membership system.
  • High Level of research but lace of community
  • Excellent Research and Events! 
  • Highly satisfied
  • Must be more interactive
  • Fantastic forum!
  • Very satisfied
  • High quality of research and Publication
  • I am very satisfied
What do you consider to be the main benefit of your membership?
  • Cutting  Edge Research of the highest possible quality
  • Being updated by world class scholars
  • Information dissemination through events, working paper series and other means (e.g., podcasts).
  • Newletters, articles
  • ECGI allows me to stay connected to a global network of academics and professionals in corporate governance and related fields.  The Institute facilitates access to to leading research from scholars in finance, accounting, and law, among other disciplines.  I particularly value the Institute's communications on new academic papers, professional announcements and its events on corporate governance and finance topics.
  • Keeping up to date with the cutting edge research and topics relevant to the markets
  • Offering research opportunities to  include to academic members from South America, Africa, and Midle East.
  • International Outlet for practical working papers
  • Keeping up with recent governance research and interesting conferences. Networking.
  • unclear
  • connecting to the large corporate governance community
  • Access to papers and congress.
  • Access to academic material and networking opportunities
  • The network of members and the conferences
  • Receiving daily updates about corporate governance from 1st class academics
  • Keeping up to date on new scholarship.
  • Conferences, workshops, papers and announcements
  • Content
  • Easy access to excellent research and the possibility to be updated to time topics through conferences etc.
  • Network
  • updates about new papers
  • Image and great discussions
  • Continous learning
  • Sharing ideas on new perspectives
  • academic reputation
  • Easy access to up to date research on corporate governance
  • To meet very interesting people and to be at the pulse of global corporate governance research
  • Being aware of many aspects of governance all the time through the ECGI activities and newsletters.
  • Know actual research in corporate law affairs
  • Very limited.
  • Not sure.
  • to be kept punctually and thoroughfully inormed about doctrnal and practical developments on corporations issues
  • Continued access to and participation in research in corporate governance.
  • access to seminars, webinars etc., being up to date in corporate governance matters
  • I consider to take part in seminars conferences free of charge
  • Being part of an international network
  • Access to papers and understanding what's topical in corporate governance
  • Receiving papers via direct email
  • world-class research papers in my inbox, almost daily. interesting people from academia and business
  • Research papers and seminars
  • Nothing whatsoever (Alan Koh)
  • working papers
  • Access to the latest research in the area of corporate governance, finance, and law; top quality events (seminars, conferences, etc.); and an excellent library of material on country-level and exchange-specific corporate governance requirements.
  • Early access to research.
  • reading articles
  • Gaining visibility for one's work; conferences that connect practitioners with academics
  • I am keeping up with corporate governance trends and data.
  • Sharing of knowledge and valuable research papers.
  • Info on events and publications
  • Access to current research
  • Networking, meeting interesting people, learning about current developments in CG
  • research articles
  • Getting an overview of the most recent top-level research in corporate governance
  • Access to scientific information on corporate governance, events/conferences and connection with other professionals in this field
  • Access to and awareness interesting research
  • Accès of research
  • Robust community in CG and cutting-edge research
  • Articles
  • Getting the most recent publications on CG development issues
  • Essays- Thought leadership
  • Notification emails regarding ECGI working papers
  • The working paper series are excellent
  • Regular recommended articles, Events
  • Personally, keeping up to date on CG and networking
  • Updated with news about corporate governance.
  • I have access to the most recently research on Corporate Governance and that brings value.
  • Being updated on most recent research
  • Reference library Circulation of governance-related academic papers, some of which are sensible
  • information about subjects interesting me
  • Network
  • Information on new developments and studies; in the past: participation in conferences organized in cooperation with the EU (presidency)
  • Access to resources, especially codes and working papers
  • To get to know interesting people, to read great whitepapers
  • Working Paper Series
  • Keeping up to date
  • Take participation in research projects
  • Insight into modern CG thought and leadership
  • Staying informed on recent innovations in the academic literature as well as regulatory developments in the area of corporate law and governance.
  • Being updated about the main issues and their theoretical and practical implications in corporate structures and activities
  • Information
  • I wish to have updates regarding legal issues about corporate governance.
  • Link into academic thinking on Corporate Governance with particular European focus.
  • Articles
  • the website
  • Networking and knowledge sharing
  • Interaction with Global Corporate Governance practices and practical approaches for resolving them
  • Meeting other professionals in the field of Corporate Governance and keeping me updated on developments.
  • Being aware at real time of what do the best people think about CG
  • Documentation received by mail.
  • Member of top corporate law community. Interesting news about new articles and conferences.
  • Networking
  • being informed and up-dated with latest research papers, published by ECGI
  • being informed about new research in the field of corporate governance, conferences and other events
  • Website - access to papers when published - the archive of material
  • Be updated. Access to working papers. Possibility of contact to other members.
  • excellent articles, staying up to date with research in the governance field
  • research updates
  • network and events, although most events tend to be in Europe.
  • Strong linkage with outstanding academic players
  • To get free access to significant research on corporate governance
  • Up to date and topical research papers
  • Information about current developements and research results
  • Industry & academic Networking
  • papers ecgi delivers to members
  • Access to news, publications and a valuable network
  • Acces to high quality research
  • Possibility to get more info on recent research and events in the field of CG
  • know how pool
  • Acess to articles.
  • Updates on Corporate Governance issues.
  • Quality of research
  • Knowledge
  • Following the research activity, published working papers and latest developments in the corporate management area
  • To get updated information on various governce research
  • Information obtained from the site. Contacts with colleagues Papers distributed
  • international network - ideas' sharing
How did you first learn about ECGI?
  • Academic Peers
  • A friend of mine
  • As an active CG scholar I have known about the institute for years. Do not recall how I first learned about it.
  • Internet research
  • Through a coauthor, who is a research member with ECGI.
  • 20 years ago through Marco Becht
  • Academic references
  • Internet
  • Coauthors
  • colleague
  • colleagues
  • Many years ago through colleagues
  • I don't remember!
  • One of my professors was part of the institute
  • I cannot remember
  • Through SSRN affiliation listings.
  • Don't remember, perhaps a colleague
  • Don't remember
  • From my thesis advisor
  • colleagues
  • Google search
  • From University
  • Reading ECGI working papers
  • web
  • Can't remember - it was a long time ago
  • Because Daniela Weber-Rey was on the board
  • By Google search
  • Internet
  • Conference.
  • From a colleague with the capability to combine academic excellence with practical business sense.
  • from my colleague and friend prof. Luca Enriques
  • From Professor Emiritus Hideki Kanda, the University of Tokyo.
  • website
  • DCN
  • I dont remember
  • Can't remember!
  • When I contributed organizing a conference at HLS with many ECGI members involved in 2012
  • I cannot remember
  • from academic papers
  • My mentor made a big fuss about how it featured "top people". (Alan Koh)
  • a long time ago
  • Through the ECGI's working paper series.
  • Work
  • Was member of IOD, ICD and NACD
  • Via conferences
  • website
  • A conference
  • EU Presidency conference
  • I've been a member for a long time!
  • I cannot remember
  • Online working papers, professional network
  • Searching for scientific information on the internet
  • From my employer.
  • It was At the first beginning i didn’t remember maybe by Marco Becht?
  • In 2017, when I was Director of the Center of Corporate Governance at a University
  • Don't remember
  • From the ECGI web site
  • Can't remember
  • Found an ECGI working paper on the internet
  • Don't remember, it was a long time ago
  • From peers
  • From a colleague
  • Working-papers.
  • More that 10 years ago, when I was studying the Ph.D. I was doing research on the Internet about Corporate Governance and I found the ECGI website and I decided to join the Institute. Good decision!
  • Don’t remember
  • from Paul Arlman
  • in a conference about corporate governence
  • Academic cycles
  • Recommendation by members
  • So long ago that I don't remember! Probably found randomly when searching on a primitive search engine
  • I dont remember
  • Colleagues
  • References
  • surfing
  • Through a co-author, who is an ECGI research member.
  • From my friend prof Luca Enriques
  • Professor
  • website.
  • Peers
  • Was giving a speech in UK
  • google search
  • From EU Commission
  • Through my friend
  • Word of mouth.
  • I read somewhere that ECGI was coming to my city for the Assembly
  • By myself
  • Read one of the working papers.
  • during one CG Conference
  • through ECGI website, and through some literature citations
  • by reading journal articles on the topic of corporate governance
  • Can't remember!
  • Law School professor
  • by web
  • from colleagues
  • internet
  • through the access to a ECGI paper
  • Website
  • By internet
  • don’t remember
  • ECGI Conference
  • Google search
  • I knew ECGI when involved in corporate governance advise during my advisory job
  • Don't remember
  • Ir was many years ago. I do not remember
  • From the Internet
  • by member of ecgi board
  • It was recommended to me from the members
  • website
  • Networking event
  • Browsing the internet looking for governance experts
  • through internet
  • I do not remember
  • colleagues
Please tell us the main reason(s) you decided to join ECGI
  • To be up to date with the latest developments in Corporate Governance and related areas
  • Because the topics you cover are those I've been working on since ages
  • Active community. Information dissemination. To support a good initiative.
  • Because I teach Corporate Covernance.
  • Being part of a global network of academics and professionals in the area of corporate governance and related fields.
  • Find out about most resent quality research as soon as it is available.
  • I am corporate law teacher and enjoy reading doin corporate governance researching.
  • To be part of  the CG research and teaching community
  • Networking and keeping up with recent research.
  • peer pressure
  • my. interest in corporate governance research
  • Be informed about events and new topics
  • My area of interest is Corporate Insolvency Law and Governance and I strive to do something in this field and I believe ECGI could be my key enabler
  • The level of people, and the truly international footprint
  • To hear about new work and have the opportunity to attend online discussions about the work.
  • Interest in applied corporate governance at the international level
  • Network, content
  • knowledge transfer, networking researchers with similar interests
  • being part of the CG academic environment
  • I am highly interested in Governance fields
  • Scientific interest
  • Broaden my reasearch network
  • to join an international academic community
  • I am an academic with a research interest in corporate governance
  • Because of the global scope and high-quality academic contributors
  • I am a professor and highly interested in governance issues whether from the academic or the consultancy points of view, so I found that ECGI membership will be a great value for me.
  • Knowing corporate governance affairs
  • Necessary to follow discussions.
  • ECGI's unique position to combine law and finance.
  • keeping up to date
  • Connections and informations
  • I took part Central european University Budapest education technologies development workshop as presenter
  • Research and professional interest
  • Access to papers and understanding what's topical in corporate governance
  • To be updated in current corporate governance issues
  • The composition of the board of ECGI
  • To engage with a group of researchers like me
  • Curiosity. An open mind. I'm regretting it more and more with each membership fee invoice. I've decided to quit unless some of my suggestions are acted upon within one year. (Alan Koh)
  • professional reasons and my own interest about corporate governance subjects
  • Being part of a community of academic researchers and practitioners who share a common interest in the area corporate governance and law. I have benefited a lot from this exposure.
  • Go to place for world-leading research.
  • research
  • To gain visibility and connect with others who work on corporate governance topics
  • personal development
  • Access to fellow professionals and the overall knowledge base.
  • To be nformed on events, publications and research works
  • I am an academic with an interest in corporate governance
  • I had a look at the members
  • Research updates network
  • Receiving updates on most recent research, networking, interesting events
  • To have access to more materials, events and current information about CG
  • Can't remember!
  • To be a Member of a community of professors interested in CG issues
  • To be part of the ecgi's community and contribute to its mission
  • Research Source
  • Participate in the CG events, get some valuable contacts among academia and professionals all over the world
  • Academic alternative to ICGN
  • To receive the notification emails
  • To be able to keep up with the latest devepments in my areas of interest
  • The reputation, The established network
  • As above, keeping update and networking
  • Be part of a community interested in corporate governance issues.
  • The access to the most recently research on Corporate Governance
  • Being part of a worldwide research group
  • Interested in the topic and opportunity to broaden my horizons
  • Corporate governence is one of the subjects I am teaching in the University
  • corporate governance topics
  • Meetings and discussions with colleagues from other EU-memberstates with focus on legal aspects and accompagnied by economic studies
  • Access to publications, opportunities to meet other corporate governance researchers
  • The membership profiles I could see on the website
  • I though that this would be a fantastic network of people with comparable research interests
  • Access to good papers
  • Academic reputation
  • I am a CG enthusiast always looking for practical and proven solutions and not just academic and theoretical ideas
  • Being part of the cohort of academics and practitioners who have a shared interest in corporate law and governance.
  • To be part of the global discussions in this field
  • Interest
  • to be part of an international community dealing with corporate governance issues.
  • We want to position our company in line with proven best practices and a European leader in corporate governance. Also, are activerly engaged in developing the Swiss corporate governance codes.
  • To keep a link to EU beyond UK and NA as I continue to lecture in EU each year. Hold dual citizenship.
  • access to publications
  • See 2
  • For the benefit of frequent interaction and knowledge sharing
  • Recommended. And 2 above.
  • I read the requirements to join and I thought it could be very interesting for me to be there
  • By interest of the subject.Former Auditor, former compliance director, former risk manager, actually independent director.
  • See Q 2.
  • I am a member of Bulgarian CG Committee and the knowledge from ECGI are very important for improving my professional skills.
  • I work as manager but in the same time I teach and I like to keep in touch with latest developments in economic research
  • I work at an university and corporate governance is my primary research interest
  • To support my academic interest in corporate governance
  • Stay in touch with current developments re Corporate governance; Position myself as an expert on this topic
  • Be updated. Access to working papers. Possibility of contact to other members.
  • outstanding peer group, good complement for practitioners
  • authoritativeness of the authors
  • I am a doctoral student in Corporate Governance and a NED. Although I am based in Dubai I have a European passport (ITA) and have been a NED of a Swiss listed company so I consider important to stay close to and contribute to the developments of European corporate governance
  • Recent and innovative research on corporate governance
  • be part of the community with similar interests
  • Always stay at the cutting edge of corporate governance development
  • Interest in corporate governance research group related to my phd study
  • It's very important to have an academic pillar when you work in the governance field
  • see 2
  • As professor of corporate law and corporate governance, ECGI is a critical institution to be member of.
  • Possibility to join professionals in the field of CG and carry out joint research projects
  • know how pool
  • Networking, conferences, new topics, exchange of experience
  • I am a lawyer working on corporate law.
  • Special interest in good governance
  • To gain access to a knowledge base and a network of professionals and scholars.
  • considering very useful ECGI website and its information
  • As indicated above
  • To show my interest in CG
  • international academic relations
Comments or suggestions (optional)
  • Try to be more inclusive. Academic scholarship is already rather clubby. Try to be different.
  • I think all the members should be allowed to publish in the working paper series if the editorial board vote in favor of that. working paper publications should be open to academic members following a editorial peer review process
  • More openness to all the members, you have access to many members and universities but all the events and topics are always discussed between the same few components
  • Pay a huge bonus to Elaine!  Just keep on going
  • Stop the tier system
  • The introduction of junior research membership would benefit young scholars who work on corp. governance. It seems that it now takes around 10 years to be able to join the "research membership" - i.e., assistant professors seem to have almost no chance so early on
  • One thought. ECGI seems to assume that to be a corporate governance researcher you must either be an economist or a legal scholar.  This is not the case.  There are a growing number of scholars, like myself, with a management, macro-organisational behaviour, or economic sociology background who are working on corporate governance.  I wonder if you might consider establishing a third string to your bow, to capture this category of research
  • I am recommending ECGI to others in my network; maybe the value proposition for practitioner member should be clarified.
  • Thank you
  • To offer academic opportunities in academia: research papers or lecture positions
  • Stop this first and second class membership structure.
  • The quality of the English can be poor.
  • yes I am very normal I am very healthy
  • More opportunities to actually get actively involved.
  • I note that ECGI regards corporate governance as a matter for either financial economists or legal scholars. This is a very narrow conceptualisation of the field. Others, including Macro-OB scholars/economic sociologists, business historians, etc., also have a legitimate interest in corporate governance. Why the narrow conceptualisation, which seems to be unnecessarily exclusive?
  • Marco, Elaine and all the others - just carry on the good work you are doing.
  • Continue the good work.Consider more active intervention in real-life policy and politics
  • The Ancien Regime nature of ECGI must change. Academic Members should have a right to submit papers for the Working Papers series as well, say at least 1-2 per membership year. Academic Members should have their own category of best paper award to incentivize participation by Global South scholars (who are unlikely to be made research members) and non-US-based legal scholars (who are severely underrepresented among Research Members), among others. An official interdisciplinary journal would also be a good idea - with Academic Members placed in positions of power and responsibility.
  • Allow all paying members to publish articles. A two-tier system is ridiculous. (same person said reason for joining was: 'Go to place for world-leading research')
  • ECGI could help its members to gain further visibility for their work by hosting a (bi-) annual governance conference that gives space for more than just a handful of papers (the GCGC is great, but only very few papers get selected each year).
  • Marco, Elaine and Vanessa are doing a top job
  • Could you simplify the download process of articles?
  • Greater clarity of my membership benefits, especially at the time of renewal.
  • There is à lack of links between Members web it is not possible whichbis now my case To come To Events
  • Congratulations for this global network that provide the best on CG
  • Learning modules would be nice
  • Whenever I can :)
  • Reinforce partnerships with companies. Reinforce the possibilities of doing consulting projects. Share opportunities about jobs and consulting projects about corporate governance.
  • Why not go beyond? Latin America needs more research on Corporate Governance. You should try to expand and open a Latin American Chapter. I would like to help you on this.
  • It's become too academic, too self-absorbed in stuff that meets academic criteria but is often detached from reality. In the same way, the conferences are self-absorbed. ECGI now puts out very little material that is relevant to real life. In fact, being forced to think about it for this survey makes me realise that I renew my membership largely out of habit, together with a faint hope that something useful might come up one day. (Jonathan Hayward)
  • Go on !!!
  • None really apart from keep up the good work.
  • I keep on recommending ECGI to people from my network
  • None
  • To give real options to participate in academic projects in corporate governance.
  • An excellent forum of smart people thinking about key aspects of our societal debates. Important to maintain practicable, "real world" approach.
  • The fees have been increased for practicing members very steeply in one year and considering the amount of interactions, I do not see much of a benefit. (India)
  • Will quote 2. above...
  • Bravo, please continue with such quality of documentation.
  • A central yearly ECGI conference could be organized, where all ECGI members would be encouraged to participate. Also, ECGI could issue opinions in EU Drafts (eg. Directives), or even shape best practices in Europe (see, for example, in the field of insolvency law, the mission of )
  • Quite a steep increase of membership fees for "regular" members this time... (100 to 300 EUR if I remember that correctly)
  • please have a newsletter with events and summaries of main research
  • everything all right
  • Annual meetings in Asia
  • To invite academics in research projects on corporate. Governance
  • Elibrary or journal that are accessible via ecgi portal such as those provided by other associations (,
  • It became very elitistic before it was much more open. Few years before also we were receiving numerous informations about conferences, articles etc. At the moment very little.
  • Perhaps one of suggestions might be that Albania and Balkan countries be more present in your website, your publications and so on. I believe I can give some contribution (where possible) in this regard
  • improve participation of members and create committees focused on special topics
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