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Codes FAQ

ECGI makes available the full texts of corporate governance codes, principles of corporate governance and corporate governance reforms both in Europe and elsewhere. All contributions are acknowledged and credited. It should be noted that the ECGI does not hold the copyright, nor can we guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information.

Corporate Governance Codes, Principles & Recommendations

Through this website, the Institute makes available the full texts of corporate governance codes, principles of corporate governance and corporate governance reforms both in Europe and elsewhere.

These documents come from various sources: some have originated from other publicly accessible websites; others have been submitted by their issuing institution; and many have been sent by ECGI members and others. All contributions are acknowledged and credited.

It should be noted that the ECGI does not hold the copyright, nor can we guarantee the accuracy or completeness of this information - see our Terms and Conditions of Use.

In most cases, the links allow you to download the code from this website in pdf format. Where a document is explicitly excluded from online distribution, ordering information is provided. Monitoring reports and impact studies are listed with each code or reform where they are available.

We aim to maintain the most comprehensive and up-to-date database. If readers know of a code, principle or corporate governance rule that cannot be accessed via this site, and would like to make it available for downloading, please contact the Codes Editor.

How to access the codes

The full list of codes is available in the Index of Codes. You can scroll down to the code you are looking for. Click on the code name and you get details of its provenance and how to access it.

Search facility

You can find the code you are looking for using the search bar in the codes section. Here you will be able to select codes by their country of origin, by their title (or part thereof), by their year of publication or by the language in which they are available.

New codes on the database

The database of codes is constantly changing. New codes are added; the entries for some of those that have published on this website are revised and we continue to search for codes that we might have missed. Click here for the latest batch of new or revised database entries.

How can I contribute a code?

Codes can be submitted by emailing a link to the code or attaching a PDF of the code to

Who can contribute a code?

Anyone can contribute a code! Please see, "How can I contribute a code?" for submission details. 

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