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Event Collaborations


ECGI provides a global platform for high-quality academic events, amplifying the activities of ECGI Research Members.

ECGI provides a global platform for high-quality academic events, amplifying the activities of ECGI Research Members.

Collaborations are usually initiated by ECGI research members who recognise the value of ECGI’s global audience and brand in promoting their events. ECGI encourages more of the 327 research members to use this service. To this end, a reasonable cost for the service allows ECGI to sustain and develop its activities more broadly and for the good of everyone in the network. The service helps research members to grow their mailing lists, improve and diversify attendance at their events, inform others in the network of their activities.

Co-organising an event with ECGI means:

  • Use of the ECGI logo and brand to promote the event
  • Circulation to 4,300 active subscribers on the ECGI mailing list (last updated January 2021)
  • Geographically diverse, reaching over 110 countries
  • USA (18.5%), UK (14.5%), Europe (44%), Rest of the world (23%) 
  • Diverse recipient profiles, with both academic (45%) and practitioner (55%) (estimate)
  • Collection and sharing of those who opt-in to partner mailing lists (complying with data regulations)
  • Strong registrations, attendance, and engagement
  • Posting to ECGI's social media channels: 3,445 Followers on LinkedIn | 1,011 Twitter | 513 YouTube | 292 Facebook (January 2021) 
  • Papers that are presented at ECGI affiliated events are eligible for publication in the ECGI Working Paper Series (Law and Finance), subject to Editorial consideration.

What is the cost?

The Basic Package costs €800* and includes the following:

  • Call for Papers circulated to the global mailing list
  • Event invitation circulated to the global mailing list
  • Event Page on the ECGI website
  • Registration management
  • Post-event communication with materials from event

Additional options

  • € 500  ECGI will collect and manage open call submissions
  • € 500  ECGI will edit, coordinate approvals, and format the event Summary Report (drafting is not included)
  • € 750 - €2,000  ECGI can coordinate the editing of videos from the event, quotes available per event as the price depends on the number of videos and speakers etc.

* Academic Institutional Members can avail of this service free of charge – up to three times a calendar year. Academic Institutional Membership of ECGI costs EUR 2,000 per annum and entitles the school, faculty or university to have its own page on the ECGI website and to include information about, for example, its related conferences and teaching programs. It is also possible to feature faculty members profiles and provide them with access to ECGI communications. ECGI greatly relies on this membership category to maintain its high level of activities for the public good. Typically, the subscription fee is paid from the (sometimes shared) research budgets of ECGI research members. A list of the current Institutional Members is available here. To express interest, please contact

Who can apply for this service?

All ECGI Research Members can submit proposals for collaboration.

What criteria apply?

Events should be organised by at least one ECGI Research Member and include at least two ECGI Research Members on the programme (exceptions apply). The programme should be directly related to corporate governance or stewardship as established in the ECGI Working Paper Series. The programme should include at least 40% female participants.

Requests that do not meet this criteria will be considered by the ECGI Research Committee on a case by case basis and their decision is final.

A list of all past event collaborations is available on the event page.

How to apply

It is possible to submit a collaboration request by email to Please use this form to outline the proposal. 

ECGI reserves the right to decline requests if resources are unavailable e.g. already multiple events in the same month or if support staff are unavailable.


For queries, please contact

Elaine McPartlan, General Manager

Naureen Khan, Events and Communications Officer

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